Who Is Your Pastor Answerable To?

PastorI write this article with utmost caution, reverence for God and respect for the Body of Christ – The Church.

After having been engaged in a heated debate with some friends on my Facebook page, I know without a doubt that this should be brought on here.

I really cannot remember the immediate reason that brought that thought to me but I know this is an issue that has been recurring in the Church in Nigeria. An issue that almost made me give up on the Church.

In recent years, some prominent ‘Men of God’ (MOG) have been involved in major scandals. The type that make front page of national dailies, for days and even weeks.

And as much as these scandals are worth discussing, it is the reaction of the Church (members of the churches pastored by these men, in particular) that I find utterly worrisome.

If you are an internet junkie, you would notice that stories of such nature receive many heated comments, on popular blog sites.

It is not uncommon to see followers of these MOG attacking other people who judge, disrespect or ridicule their pastor, in the comments box.

They go on and on defending their leader, even if the said leader committed the act, e.g adultery, the common culprit.

This has now caused me to ask the question: Who Is Your Pastor Answerable To?

Apparently, a lot of Christians, especially those who are born-again, tongue-talking and demon chasing, have said that the MOG is only answerable to God, the one who called him. No other person has a right to point out his errors.

They argue that we cannot treat “spiritual” matters the same way we treat political or civil matters.

According to them, only God can judge the matter, so in other words, let everyone shut up and let God deal with the pastor himself.

I beg to disagree.

I remember when a certain OAP made an open confession of having sexual relations with a popular pastor, whose church she had been a member of…

The story was a media sensation but the long and short of it was that the pastor neither confirmed nor denied the allegation.

His promised “robust reply” never saw the light of day.

Although that particular church was not my church and the pastor not mine… I almost gave up on Christianity.

There are so many other cases…

How can people who claim to know Christ, defend iniquity, just because their pastor committed it?

How dare you open your mouth to say those “in the world” are doomed to hell, when your pastor (whose sin you passionately defend) is no different?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying MOG should not be respected. I am not saying it is unpardonable for them to fall… they are still men, no matter the anointing.

I am saying it is W-R-O-N-G for you (the follower) to say your pastor is only answerable to God, when he has obviously fallen by the wayside.

I’ll explain why it is…

Number 1 – this is the 21st century. Not the old testament.

Nowadays, your church must be registered (in saner climes). This was not so back in the AD or BC days. Which brings me to the three major definitions of Church.

*Church is the body of Christ. All believers together as one. This is the true meaning of Church.
*Church is a building.
*Church is an organisation with hierarchy, positions, constitution (perhaps). E.g RCCG, Living Faith, Celestial Church of Christ, Believers World etc…

The implication of the third definition is that a church is bound by law. So sorry but your pastor -no matter how anointed- can be arrested if he/she commits a crime punishable under human laws.

Saying that your pastor is only answerable to God is giving free reign to all the frauds out there… calling themselves pastors and using church for business.

In essence, any Mathew, John or Peter can set up a church, do anything he likes… and you dare not call him to order because he is only answerable to God, just like your own pastor.

Another reason why your pastor is not only answerable to God but also to his congregation and in fact the world… is that it just doesn’t make any sense.

Your pastor cannot be condemning something and the day he does it… you say he should ride on, because he is anointed. Who does that???

I feel this post is getting too long..so I’ll bring it home.

My take is that… if a MOG falls, we should admit he did so, not form voltron on his behalf. He should repent and ask for forgiveness – from God, from the people he leads and
from the Body of Christ. He should be responsible enough to own up to his mistakes (that’s what real leaders do). He should not form ‘boss’ because he is anointed.

That way, he doesn’t give anyone the opportunity to ridicule him, his church or the Christian faith.

As a follower, please don’t abuse people who call out your pastor, for wrongdoing (especially if he refuses to own up). It shows that you have no values, your church is a joke… and it’s making the rest of us look bad.

Stop making your pastors look like African dads who never apologise for wrongdoing… just because they are the head. That’s ungodly.

God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. A broken spirit and contrite heart, God will not despise.

A MOG who falls is still useful to God ONLY if he repents! Remember, your pastor is still flesh and blood…. he can fall (even though we pray he doesn’t).

God bless his Church and give his people the grace to shun evil and embrace truth. Amen.

Yours On The Narrow Path,