I Feel Like Quitting Too, BUT….

cropped-img_20140513_131546.jpgIn life, you will encounter unpleasant people and situations.

You will be tempted to quit your relationship, your job, your church, or even #life itself. I understand how you feel, I feel that way sometimes too.

But listen, you must learn to endure. Wait that situation out because if you tap out, your chances of winning go down to sub-zero. All you have suffered would be in vain.

There were times I got so stressed up because I kept thinking about the things I deserved but wasn’t getting. I felt people were taking me for granted by not appreciating my efforts. I would have given up were it not for my mom. She taught me to endure the tough times and I listened.

Today, the same people that made me stress-out, make me better. Like they say, tough times don’t last, tough people do,

But if you endure, you end up the winner. That’s today’s #MondayDoseOfInspiration. Stay blessed.



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