I Feel Like Quitting Too, BUT….

cropped-img_20140513_131546.jpgIn life, you will encounter unpleasant people and situations.

You will be tempted to quit your relationship, your job, your church, or even #life itself. I understand how you feel, I feel that way sometimes too.

But listen, you must learn to endure. Wait that situation out because if you tap out, your chances of winning go down to sub-zero. All you have suffered would be in vain.

There were times I got so stressed up because I kept thinking about the things I deserved but wasn’t getting. I felt people were taking me for granted by not appreciating my efforts. I would have given up were it not for my mom. She taught me to endure the tough times and I listened.

Today, the same people that made me stress-out, make me better. Like they say, tough times don’t last, tough people do,

But if you endure, you end up the winner. That’s today’s #MondayDoseOfInspiration. Stay blessed.



Who Cut Our Mother’s Tongue?

Young Nigerians are the ones I have in mind as I write this but it certainly applies to other nationals, except those of the United States and most especially, Britain.

I find myself trying to figure out who or what made the mother-tongue ‘uncool’? Or how else do you explain the reluctance of the average city youth to speak his/her native language. At what point did we consider spoken Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Fulfude e.t.c unsophisticated?

I for one, come from a family where we generally speak our native language, except for times when we are arguing. LOL. English language does it for me when I’m arguing, angry, teary-eyed and all that. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know either.

Be that as it may, English is no problem for either one of us in my family, so those who say it becomes difficult for children to speak English properly if the mother-tongue is encouraged, should take a few seats. Perhaps, you now understand why it baffles me to see that many upwardly mobile parents will only permit their children to converse in English language.

This probably explains why you have many young folks who bear native names but do not understand a word if you ever speak to them in that same language. Fortunately for some, they understand the language and can speak it fairly well but yet, they choose to stay ‘hip’ and speak a diluted version of pho-ney, just to be ‘cool’. That’s a No-No, for me at least.

To make matters worse, people who perceive their mother-tongue uncool, now pay to learn other people’s language. Mandarin appears to be the coolest language to learn now. Before it was French and then Spanish. Just as we have concluded that some countries, races are superior to others, we have bought into the big lie that some languages are better or more sophisticated than ours.


This trend may not change on a wider scale but you can at least make a difference by encouraging those around you to appreciate their mother-tongue and speak it with pleasure.


[Photo Credit: cargocollective.com]